Flush the Fake Stuff

President Trump’s commitment to drain the swamp is a tall order. On a very basic level, our government has painted our world a different color through a mountain of lies. While draining the swamp involves ridding Washington D.C. of waste and corruption, a huge part of the task centers around restoring truth and honesty to government, the media, and the schools. To that end, the following article presents many of the problem areas and follows up with some suggestions:

Fake news was coined by the mainstream press. It is now most often used to call them out on their own extreme bias. Clearly, Donald Trump lifted the term to a whole new level as he freely ripped into the media whenever he spotted this unfair reporting. That’s a refreshing turn of events.

While journalism seeks to dig out and report the facts, the mainstream media of today has devolved into little more than a mouthpiece for socialism and humanism. They report without question information supporting their agenda or belief system. In contrast, they lash out relentlessly against any and all who oppose their view.

This last election cycle served to expose this bias — with the Trump campaign as a backdrop. The media opposed Trump. They concocted polls of likely voters to show that Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide. The deception came from their intentional sampling in demographics that heavily favored Clinton resulting in fake political polls and fake exit polls. As a result, the polls failed to project the true pulse of the American electorate.

During the last days leading up to the presidential election, Project Veritas released videos chronicling people in the business of producing fraudulent votes. They used various means including multiple voting, voting in place of disabled people, and voting for the dead. Recently, the Washington Times has released new information on hundreds of thousands of fake voters.

On election night, ABC News completely lost it. As 11 p.m. approached and counts piled in with Trump ahead and pulling away, George Stephanopoulos and his henchmen flailed away with their precious interactive electoral college map. Technology is such a great thing — especially in the hands of idiots.

With a touch of a finger, they flipped states and manipulated electoral vote counts. Anyone who might have tuned into  their broadcast at that time would have seen Hillary Clinton enjoying a commanding lead in the electoral vote count over Donald Trump. The television commentators were beside themselves as reality set in. To no avail, they desperately gave close and not-so-close states to Hillary — despite Trump’s leads in those states — producing more fake vote counts to go along with their fake news and fake polls.

Now that the election is over, we have a ramping up of fake protests. This theater involves the payment and transportaion of fake protesters from across the country to disrupt legitimate, local political gatherings such as town halls and rallies. Often in conjunction with the media, those in charge stage them to give the appearance that their political views are mainstream rather than from a radical fringe for the purpose of swaying public opinion or even shutting down events.


Fake leaders, despite media support, were exposed and many were soundly defeated that night. The American voter has become increasingly fed up with traditional “establishment” politicians and their fake promises. It’s so bad that the common joke about politicians is expected. “How can you tell when a politician is lying? If his lips are moving, he’s lying.” Even massive funding from billionaires like George Soros and others could not turn the tide.

The power of these people stems from big government. At every turn, politicians seek to wrest power from the people and appropriate it to themselves. Our Department of Defense is a prime example. Its massive and burgeoning budget boggles the mind. Yet many years ago it lost its way. The department name says it all.

Theirs is a fake defense. A more appropriate name for what they do would be the Department of Offense. They wage war and maintain military bases around the world to grow their military empire while allowing and even inviting invasion across our borders by some who seek to destroy us and others simply bent on ravaging our resources. Our boarders to a large degree remain undefended.

Then there’s the whole area of education. At our country’s founding and for over a century, reading was a fundamental skill. A primary textbook for that purpose was the Bible. Now, the Bible has been thrown out of the curriculum and to a large extent out of public school. Other fundamentals like math, history, and science have also been corrupted. Grade school has become fake school. It has evolved primarily into daycare and an institution for public indoctrination.

The Common Core curriculum now being foisted upon the schools codifies and intensifies this effort to push propaganda, stifle creative thought, emphasize the group, and reward teamwork rather than individual academic achievement. Underachievers misbehave and disrupt the classroom. Their behavior goes unpunished. The learning environment is corrupted. Those who want to learn suffer loss of the education they deserve. Diplomas are awarded for little else than class attendance. After all, we must not discourage anyone.

These fake graduates take their fake high school diplomas along with fake scholarship money and fake student loans and further stroke their egos by going to college. These institutions of “higher learning” receive a flood of money from the federal government. Is it any wonder that they are so expensive and so lacking in knowing and teaching truth? Once they have their fake college degrees, these students learn their true value. Except for employers giving away jobs based on some non-merit-based reasoning — usually government jobs — these graduates realize their only marketable skill is waiting tables or flipping burgers.

Science these days too frequently is junk science or in this context fake science. The whole man-made climate change hoax is a perfect example. When I went to college, I learned the simple concept of a control system. Ask any climate change proponent to explain to you a control system and you will likely see his eyes gloss over or he will return a blank stare. A control system simply uses a feedback loop to regulate a particular process in question. Your body and even the thermostat in your house regulates temperature in that way.

Clearly climate scientists are clueless when it comes to understanding control systems. They bemoan carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, yet carbon dioxide is what plants breathe in. If carbon dioxide increases, plants thrive and more plants grow to feed on it — bringing down carbon dioxide levels and restoring it to balance. Of course, plants breathe out oxygen which animals breathe. For more information on this topic, please refer to this link. And after this article was first posted more news surfaced exposing the intentional fraud of man-made climate change.

It should be no surprise that “climate scientists” who are funded by governments pushing the man-made climate-change-lie, happily churn out fake science in line with the establishment’s wishes. This has been going on for decades as the 20th century brought the fake science of macro evolution to the classroom. The science of macro evolution is every bit a religious concept as is that of intelligent design. It’s basis is conjecture and not the scientific method. Just keep asking an evolutionist “And where did that come from?” to its source. Evolutionists do not have an original cause. Still, macro evolution is taught as science. For more information on this topic, please refer to this link.

As we slide into the abyss of deception, one of the latest areas of science to erode is genetics. When a baby enters the world, one of the first questions we ask is “Is it a boy or a girl?” Mankind was created with two distinct genders. Genetics asserts this. Each cell of every normal mammal identifies it as either male of female. That is a fact.

Yet our society has corrupted the whole concept of male and female and their relationships to one another from God-given norms. The Bible refers to this gender confusion as “vile affections,” “uncleanness,” “dishonor,” and “reprobate” behavior. Today, a battle rages over a term called “chosen gender identity.”  This can more accurately be termed fake gender. Those pushing this deception seek acceptance, approval, accommodation, and special rights for those holding this aberrant view and the right to live in accordance with it without regard to the sensibilities of others.

What is the standard for morality and who are the arbiters of moral truth for our society? The age of political correctness took hold in the Bill Clinton era. Few presidents of the United States exhibited such a tainted moral history. Political correctness is fake morality gone mad.

With the standard given in the Bible thrown out, there remained a vacuum that had to be filled. Who filled it? Politicians, the media, and academics stepped in to redefine truth and obfuscate communication. This stifling of communication is a clear assault against the First Amendment right to free speech.

The political correctness movement grew to encompass not only speech but also objects. For example, one common artifact from our history is known as the Confederate Battle Flag. We are now told that the flag is offensive and represents hate rather than freedom and states rights. The movement goes out of its way alter speech and actions that might offend certain minorities. Hypocritically, anyone considered minority in this context and can be freely denigrated by the politically correct.

Before he was elected, President Trump went to extraordinary lengths to isolate himself from even the appearance of impropriety with respect to his business empire. A group by the name of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington or CREW recently initiated a lawsuit against Donald Trump for violation of the “emoluments clause” of the U.S Constitution because a foreign leader could purchase a night’s stay in one of his hotels. This action of fake ethics has nothing to do with moral high ground and everything to do with political harassment.

On the side of political correctness also falls the abortion rights crowd or simply the women’s rights movement. It’s politically incorrect to infringe on a woman’s “right to choose” they say. Those who do, are called “haters.” Yet, those who espouse special rights for women boast that they are the ones filled with “love” and “compassion” for everyone.

Oh really? What about that innocent baby that you want to murder because it is an inconvenience to you? And what about forgiveness to Donald Trump when he apologized for moral failings made 20 years ago? Perhaps these emotional expressions and claims of the moral high ground could be better termed fake love and fake compassion.

As you can see, this morality is very much about the self-absorbed. Their morality says whatever makes them feel good is moral despite its effect on others. They invent their own fake truth to feed their own lust at the expense of others.

This fake morality is an outgrowth of the religion of secular humanism foisted upon students in this country for decades. This is fake religion. Through the centuries, man has invented countless philosophies and religions. Yet, with one exception the founder of each is dead.

Buddha is dead. Zoroaster is dead. Confucius is dead. Mohamed is dead. Joseph Smith is dead. Mary Baker Eddy is dead. Helena Blavatsky is dead, and Leah, Margaret, and Catherine Fox are all dead. Only Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and the faith that He established is the only true faith.

Religious freedom notwithstanding, we must recognize the distinction between true and fake religion. Christians established this country. The blessing of God flows to this country to the extent that it honors His truth. Christians remain the bedrock of freedom. If they ever leave, this nation will soon crumble.

Basic Rights
The Declaration of Independence states:

We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….

That’s pretty clear and pretty reasonable. However, that isn’t enough for the radicals among us. No. They want fake fairness. It’s not fair that your great great grandparents had a better lot in life than mine did. You owe me for that. It’s not fair that you have a nicer car, a bigger bank account, and nicer house than I do. You need to give me stuff like you have. Just because I’m lazy and you worked 16-hour days for thirty years is no excuse. Pay up — or else.

Does this sound familiar? It should. Karl Marx made this idea popular:

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

To those who espouse the fairness mantra, this makes perfect sense. Of course, we know this neither makes practical sense nor is it fair. This idea has failed miserably every time it was tried — ending in shared misery for all.

Moving closer to the Declaration of Independence, the precious concepts of justice, liberty, and equality have also been hijacked and perverted. Justice should mean equitable and evenhanded treatment under the law. It should mean judges and courts that interpret the law and not create law out of thin air. The term fake justice  comes to mind here. This special justice rings out a rallying cry for revision, retribution, and revenge.

Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch as heads of the Department of Justice seemed to turn this style of justice into an art form. For example, while giving Hillary Clinton a pass, Lynch aggressively attacked organizations and individuals who dared oppose the progressive agenda of her administration. Similarly, a pass was given to top IRS officials who targeted and persecuted conservative organizations.

Liberty involves the right to self determination and the right to exercise freedom of thought and action to the extent it does not infringe on the basic liberty of others. Fake liberty is the freedom act without regard to the rights of others.  Equality gives each citizen the right to the same treatment under the law as other citizens. Fake equality says everyone must be regarded as having equal ability and be compensated accordingly.

We live in a fake prosperity brought on by a fake economy fueled by massive debt. Since 2008, the Federal Reserve balance sheet increased over 400% going from  $850 billion to $4,450 billion. The U.S. national debt doubled from $10 trillion to $20 trillion in that same time period. Worldwide, the central bank balance sheet doubled to $21 trilliong. and government debt doubled to $59 trillion.

Rather than allow prices to readjust in a normal fashion in 2008, the central banks of the world thought it would be more fun to juice the markets with reckless debt expansion and insanely low interest rates to the point of making some actually negative. The result was to force all asset prices to unnatural highs — making people with assets fabulously wealthy while stealing from pension funds and retirees seeking a reasonable rate of return on capital.

World governments were happy to go along with this evil game because central banks encouraged them to increase their their debt while the low interest rates gave them a windfall reduction in payments on existing and new debt. It was a marriage of convenience — especially for those looking for an ever-expanding government.

Since this money-printing game did not actually produce employment or business growth, the U.S. government adjusted its reports of key statistics like GDP, CPI, and BLS to make things look rosier than they actually were. While this has been going on for many years before 2008, the adjustments (i.e. R&D spending is investment, hamburger is steak, and part-time is counted as full-time work) shifted into overdrive during the last decade.

Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.

One thing economists can do is twist numbers to produce the desired results. Early 2009, insolvent banks were taken off the mark-to-market rule and given the leeway to value their assets however they wished. This one accounting change rescued major financial institutions of the world from imminent collapse. This form of creative accounting has been called mark-to-unicorn. It results in bank balance sheets being fairy tales. Hence, we have fake banks — most often called zombie banks since they are the walking dead.

The obscenely low interest rates produced another effect. Corporations were quick to notice that they could sell bonds in their companies for relatively low interest rates and buy back stock in their own companies. This had the benefit for the members of the board of these corporations of juicing their stock price and multiplying their profits from stock options.

Some central banks (like the Bank of Japan) have now even resorted to including major stock holdings on their balance sheets. This is clearly a very risky for central banks. It should be no surprise then that fake stock prices have risen steadily these last eight years and major stock indices continue making record highs.

In order to justify these fake stock prices, the pundits needed to call in their old friends the accountants to do a bit more creative accounting. Corporate earnings reports hold to a standard called GAAP. When those numbers did not justify the lofty fake stock prices, the accountants simply trumpeted non-GAAP numbers. Another game is played every quarter. Now the pundits talk not about quarterly and yearly improvements in these numbers but instead they highlight changes from “expectations” that are consistently and conveniently adjusted downward before each reporting period. Again, were talking about mark-to-unicorn to produce this fake corporate earnings news.

Investors and pension funds that were being starved for yield were forced to invest in risky assets (like junk bonds and high-dividend paying stocks) to maintain their target rate of return. This further ignited the demand for junk bonds which corporations were happy to supply. So we see that stocks are overvalued as well as bonds.

This sent investors scrambling to hard assets like real estate, precious metals, and even collectables. The result is that we have a magnificent bubble — the bubble of all bubbles. Virtually everything is overvalued because central banks are messing with the value of capital itself. Since the value of capital is artificially diminished, investment is skewed and the net result is that the economy worldwide is dying as it gasps for air due to what is called malinvestment.

One of the reasons central banks can get away with this destructive behavior is that they have the power of the printing press. If they want more money, they simply print it. Of course, they do not print most of the money these days. We are much more sophisticated than that. Fake money is simply created out of thin air by these mad wizards.

The U.S. Constitution contains provisions for our currency. The framers of this document had seen the folly of fake money before and set up our government to use sound, real money. We had silver coins until 1965 and a gold standard until 1971, when President Richard Nixon took the dollar off of that standard.

Nixon took that action to prevent a further drain of U.S. gold reserves led by the challenge of Charles de Gaulle of France. Fort Knox is the depository for U.S. gold reserves. These reserves were last audited in 1953! Given the many corrupt administrations and creative accountants that have come and gone since then, it’s reasonable to conclude that perhaps the published gold amount stored there may not match the amount actually there. The only way we can know for sure is to do an independent audit of the U.S. gold reserves. Until that happens, we have to conclude that we have not gold, but fake gold in Fort Knox.

How do we break free from the shackles of this fake world? Jesus said,

He [the devil] was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (John 8:44b)

First, recognize the source of the problem is Satan. Second act to reverse these illusions. It is possible. The simple answer is to just go back to how things were before the fake stuff was implemented. Here are some suggestions:

  • Audit the Federal Reserve.
  • Audit Fort Knox gold.
  • Dissolve the Federal Reserve and return to the gold and silver standard.
  • Repeal Dodd-Frank and restore Glass-Steagall — getting the banks out of the securities business.
  • Repeal Executive Order 12631 of Mar. 18, 1988 establishing Working Group on Financial Markets
  • Report government statistics (CPI, GDP, BLS) consistently and honestly.
  • Eliminate federal funding of all fake science and all fake morality.
  • Eliminate the Department of Education and return education to the local governments.
  • Eliminate Common Core mandates.
  • Crack down on corporate earnings reporting.
  • Outlaw classification of citizens based on race, ethnicity, religion, etc. in all federal reporting and surveys.
  • Eliminate the federal student loan program and scholarships.
  • Remove and replace all judges that blatantly rule against the clear meaning of the U.S. Constitution and the law.
  • Eliminate the EPA, the IRS, income tax, Department of Homeland Security, FEMA, and TSA.
  • Get the Defense Department out of the business of waging war, nation building, and making “the world safe for democracy.”
  • Weed out paid protesters by verifying residence on photo IDs as entry requirement to closed meetings such as town halls and certain rallies.
  • Eliminate federal funding of Planned Parenthood, the Ad Council. and PBS/CPB.
  • Stop senseless litigation by mandating that the loser pay all legal fees.



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