Week Twenty-Two

Grace Week Twenty-Two
Home Alone

We got up at 7:20. Before then, Grace received her wake-up tummy rub. At 7:30 Grace went outside. We found no playmates but did do a lot of sniffing and exploring the front woods. At 8:10, we returned. Grace ate her breakfast (one cup). At 8:20, I left. Grace whimpered a few times. Betsy left at 10:00, leaving Grace home alone.

Afternoon Play with Olive and Ellie

We returned home at 12:15. I fed Grace lunch (three-quarter cup). At 12:30, we went outside. Olive came to the courtyard. Grace and Olive played for an hour. Then Ellie came. Grace played with her for a half hour. We returned home at 2:00. Grace took a nap.

Home Alone Again

I took Grace out at 5:00 before we went to church. She thought this might be a long exploring trip, but I had to disappoint her by directing her back home at 5:15. Grace ate supper (three-quarter cup). We then said “Bye-bye” and left her home alone—this time with a bully stick.

Popcorn Fun

We returned at 7:00. Grace greeted us happily. I took her outside for some exercise. We returned at 8:30. I popped some popcorn in a special microwave popper. Grace was very interested, so I gave her multiple handfuls. I suppose she had about a quart of popped corn. Most was dry, but I also gave her a little that contained added coconut oil and salt.


A friend stopped by to drop off some homemade cookies and visit for a while. Grace greeted him happily also. As we demonstrated Grace’s tricks, I realized I was messing up. In my excitement to go through them I said the command wrong and Grace did not respond other than to fix her gaze on me. I said “Sit.” The correct command is “Grace sit.” Once I figured that out, Grace breezed through them.


I took Grace out for the last time at 9:45. We returned at 9:50. She went to the office to be with Betsy as she worked on the computer. I went to bed. Oddly, during the night, Grace would jump up on the bed, try to settle in, and then leave. This happened two or three times. Then, at 4:30, she sat up in bed and whimpered.

I got up and took her outside immediately. I suspected her stomach was upset. The morning was still and silent. After a couple of minutes, Grace found a spot less isolated than usual and relieved her bowels. The stool was loose but not runny until the very end. I assumed it was the popcorn, but I later recalled that she lapped a few times at some standing water behind the lower dog area. That water usually does not run and looks bad. That could have triggered it also.

Early Monday Morning Whimper

We came back at 5:00. I noticed that one time before, I had given her a little milk that seemed to tighten her stools. Since she had the problem, I gave her a little milk before going back to bed. Grace jumped up, joined us, and fell fast asleep. At 7:20, she made few sounds like she wanted attention. We gave her tummy rubs. While she was in no particular hurry to go outside, I got up and took her out at 7:40 so she wouldn’t miss opportunities to see friends.

Morning Exploring

She said “Hi” to the two little dogs below us, but they were not interested in playing. At 8:30, Grace notice a lot of noise coming from the holding pond. It was just four Canadian Geese. Grace watched intently. It looked like a couple was contesting with another couple for the territory. Nesting season is coming. Two eventually flew away.

Playtime with Olive

At 9:00, as we were heading home, Grace spotted Olive. I unhooked her. She ran to meet her little friend. They’re quickly learning how to play with each other. This was one of the best play sessions that they had. At 9:20, Grace returned home and had some breakfast (one cup). She jumped up on the ottoman an curled up for a nap. After an hour, she moved over to the floor area in front of the balcony door, stretched out in the sun, and resumed her nap.

Phone Call from a Friend

At 11:15, I startled Grace by watching a Super Bowl commercial that had a barking dog. That really confused her for about five minutes. She moved to the floor and shortly thereafter to the ottoman. At 12:45, the phone rang. Grace cocked her head and perked up her ears looking intently at me. I checked. It was Fraggle. I got dressed, filled the water bowl, and headed down with Grace. They played for an hour.

Run in the Park

At 2:35, we left to go running at the park. We had left the car at Sunrise, so Grace and I first had to walk across the street to the car. The 50-degree temperature and sunshine suited Grace just fine. She streaked across the meadow chasing birds and still had energy to follow me on my course.

We returned home at 3:30. Grace curled up on the ottoman and took a nap. I forgot to give her a shower. She dragged it onto the ottoman cover.


Grace had supper (three-quarter cup) at 5:20. We then went outside. When we returned at 6:00, we did tricks for treats. While we ate, I gave her a rawhide chip. We had some lamb. I saved a few pieces for Grace. She gave me eye contact. I told her to wait. When I finished, I gave her the pieces of lamb getting her to give me longer eye contact. When she finished, I gave her the shower that I should have given her a couple of hours earlier.

I put the ottoman cover in the washing machine. Grace jumped up on her sofa and curled up next to Betsy. At 9:45, I took Grace outside. We returned home at 10:00. Grace was in the bed when I got there. After I climbed in, she left the room.


When the train came though at 4:15, I noticed Grace back up on the bed. I got up briefly and returned. The alarm clock sounded at 7:00. We lingered in bed, giving Grace tummy rubs and petting her. I’ll record a milestone here also. Grace had stopped licking me in the face. Now, she sparingly does so. I usually receive at least one kiss per day. I’ll register this as a milestone.

Morning Play with Olive

At 7:15, we spotted Olive out in the courtyard greeting Daisy. We rushed to get ready and ran down to find her. We finally spotted Olive at the back corner of the courtyard. At one point, Grace ran over Olive. Olive let out a yelp. Grace and Olive played for about thirty minutes. We came back inside at 8:10 as Betsy was leaving. Grace said “Bye-bye” and went to the balcony to watch her drive off. Grace then had breakfast (one cup). While I refilled her food bag from the big bag, Grace watched from the allowed spot. She did not venture into the forbidden zone. I gave her a treat when I finished.

Activity Needed

Grace seemed a little out of sorts, fetching and dropping tennis balls in the area where we play that game and she receives treats for it. She then went back to the bedroom and curled up on the bed. I took her to the park for a run at 9:30. The morning was a sunny 50 degrees. Grace chased small birds as well as geese, sprinting across the open field. When we returned home, I gave Grace a quick shower. At 10:30, I left her on the bed and told her “Bye-bye.”

Fun with Friends

When I returned at 12:35, Grace remained perched on the ottoman. I praised her and fed her lunch (one-half cup). At 1:15, Fraggle stopped by. They played until 2:15. For the last twenty minutes Olive joined us. The whole dynamic changes with multiple dogs. It seems like the underdog tends to get mauled. The play with Olive did not work nearly as well as with just the Olive / Grace pair.

Short Trip

Grace crashed on the floor as I fixed and ate lunch. At 4:00, I asked Grace if she wanted to go for a ride. She came. I took her to the local bookstore, leaving her in the car. She waited patiently for me, watching intently out the window for my return about fifteen minutes later. We returned home at 4:30. Grace went from the car to the apartment without a leash. I praised her and rewarded her as usual when we returned. She went outside for a few minutes and returned to the ottoman for a nap.

Sammie and Fox

Betsy came home at 6:40. We went downstairs to help her with the groceries. Sammie was there and ready to play. Grace stayed with Sammie’s owner while we took the groceries upstairs. Grace and Sammie played for about 45 minutes. They got in some impressive, high-speed running around the courtyard. Olive came and joined the fun. Suddenly. an animal with a reddish coat ran along the back fence. Grace streaked after the fox, but stopped after it disappeared into the woods behind the fence.

Olive Play

After Sammie left, Olive and Grace played case and wrestled for another 20 minutes. We returned home at 7:45. Grace lay on the carpet and rested. At 8:30, Betsy invited her into the bed. By 8:45, she fell fast asleep. At 9:15, Betsy started a tape in the bedroom. Grace got up. I took her outside, we returned at 9:30. I fed her some more milk since the loose stool problem surfaced again. Grace curled up on the sofa. When I went to bed, Grace was elsewhere.


By morning, Grace was in the bed with us. Despite all of the activity the day before, she was awake early primping herself. Betsy reached over and greeted Grace with tummy and back rubs. The alarm clock sounded at 7:00. Grace got up and whimpered once.


I quickly dressed and took her out at 7:10. We explored just about everywhere that we go around here. About eighteen geese descended on the pond at the adjacent lot. Grace chased some of them from the bank to the water. She saw some other birds and chased them. While we met Rhino and Jack, sadly Grace had no playtime with friends this early trip outside. The milk last night again worked to firm up her stool.

When returned at 8:40, Grace had her breakfast (one cup). Afterward, she curled up on the clean pad on the ottoman for a morning nap. At 10:30, the phone rang. It was just a junk call, but Grace searched my eyes expectantly—no luck. I told her, we would “Go for ride” instead. She cocked her head carefully as her excitement built. We left at 10:45.

Fun in the Park

We arrived at the park at 10:55. This was old hat now for Grace. She knows the route and the routine. The warm and sunny 50-degree weather allowed me to remove my warm-up pants. Grace did her usual bird chasing, following me, and short stops wading in the pond. I’ll register two more milestones. First, when I return to the car and open the door, Grace comes and hops in without being called. Also, after we return home, she follows me up the stairs without a leash or excessive prompting to come.

When we returned home at 11:30, I quickly rinsed her off and toweled her down. I then got dressed, propped the balcony door open for her, fed Grace lunch (one-half cup) and left for a luncheon.

Home Alone

When I returned at 1:45, Fraggle was waiting. As I changed my clothes, pulled the laundry out to dry, and prepared to go downstairs, Grace lay out on the balcony whining. The boy who attends Fraggle said that Grace hurt her ears. At 1:50, I took Grace downstairs to play.

Fraggle Play

Grace played keep-away with a fairly long stick. By the time the play ended, between Fraggle and Grace, they had reduced the stick to wood chips. At 2:30, we returned upstairs. Grace stretched out on the sofa for an hour. Then she moved to the floor beneath the dining room table.

Long Lazy Afternoon

At 4:00, Grace went to the office to survey the action at the courtyard. There she saw a girl practicing soccer and a lady watching. Grace decided to go out on the balcony and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air while she watched. After ten minutes, she returned inside to play with her new toy. At 4:20, she was getting bored and began to whimper. She finally settled for chewing her slipper.

Supper Tricks

At 5:00, Grace gave me her characteristic chomping signal to tell me she wanted some supper. I gave her three quarter cup. Afterward, she wanted to do tricks for treats. She did very well today. She at one point introduced a second tennis ball into the fetch game. She seemed to know that it was a ball also. She’s getting closer to distinguishing the ball from Kong. At 5:20, she still wanted more—again signaling with the chomp signal. I gave her a rawhide chip.

At 6:30, I ate supper. Grace made herself a slight pest. I told her to wait. She pawed me about five times. She barked once. I mildly scolded her for that. After I finished, I shared a piece of my lamb. We worked on her looking at me when I called her name.

Sammie Play

At 7:00, I spotted Sammie. Grace and she played for about a half hour but without much energy. When Sammie left, Grace and I returned to our apartment. Grace lay down on the bed for about fifteen minutes before joining me in the living room on her sofa.

Last Pit Stop

At 9:00, we took out the trash. Grace stopped by to see two dogs playing. It was Brantley and Lady. When Grace sensed who it was, she turned around and headed the other way. I dropped the leash. Grace cam when I called. We returned home at 9:15. Grace curled up next to Betsy on the sofa. As we went to bed at 10:10, Grace remained on her sofa.


Somewhere along the night, Grace joined us. I heard the train at 4:15 and stayed awake until 6:50, when Grace started a few soft whines. She just wanted a tummy rub. Before that she slept calmly or at least remained still. I got up and took her out at 7:00.

Morning Exploring

I’ll register this as a milestone. We encircled this complex covering all surrounding woods. We also worked on a second pass to the north (townhouses) and half of the north. Grace found a goose feather first and chewed on that a bit. Later, she found a discarded yogurt container with about half of the contents left. She enjoyed that.

Lonely Morning

Because we covered the surrounding woods, we lost the opportunity to meet dogs for play. On the way out of the back (east) woods, we progressed to the parking lot. Grace spotted a lady with a toy-size dog. I called Grace. She looked back, but quickened her pace stalking the dog. Halfway there she came back. We still have work to do on this one.

Park and Alone

When we returned at 8:40, Grace had her breakfast (one cup) and curled up on her sofa for a nap. At 9:45, we left to go run at the park. We returned at 10:40. Grace again came back to the apartment well without a leash. I left her home alone at 10:45 and returned at 12:20. I found her seated at the office window, watching activity below.

Long Afternoon

At 12:30, Grace had lunch (one-half cup). We went outside for fifteen minutes to mail a letter and then returned. She then took a nap beneath the dining room table. At 2:30, she went to the office to look out the window. At 3:30, she returned acting a bit out of sorts. I gave her a bully stick–which she devoured in thirty minutes! I’m wondering if the rawhide chews were responsible for this. They were all natural and American from PetCo but perhaps it’s the rawhide itself that upsets her.

No Playmates All Day

At 4:10, she returned to the office window to watch for friends. It’s been a lonely day for Grace with no friend play all day. I tried calling Fraggle, but she could not come out. We left at 4:30. Grace met a nine-year-old dog named Jay. He was friendly but not playful. Jay’s owner mentioned a dog park in Apex near the town hall. He indicated the yearly fee was $40. We returned home at 5:15 in time for supper (three-quarter cup). Grace then returned to the office to keep an eye out for playmates. Sadly there were none.

Betsy returned home at 6:45. Grace and I were finishing up tricks for treats. She keeps getting better with her tricks. Roll in particular was awesome today. We continue working on fetch object. I still have to use “leave it” to redirect her when she makes an error. With my redirection, she never brings the wrong object. I also make it harder by throwing the object that I don’t want.

Grace continued to climb the walls as darkness settled in and the chances of a playmate encounter further waned. At 7:45, she jumped up on the sofa and gave up. She was there when we went to bed.


In the early morning I noticed that Grace had joined us in bed. At 6:45, she began to whimper. She wanted a tummy rub. As I rubbed, she slowly stretched her body off of the bed. I got up at 7:00 and took her outside. Grace greeted Daisy, but Daisy was too skittish to play. The weather was wet and in the upper thirties with some breeze. Grace’s sniffing sense was working overtime as is often the case on wet days. We covered most of the surrounding woods.

Grace found and ate a piece of cardboard. About thirty minutes later she had a loose stool ending in liquid discharge. I did give her rawhide last night and did not give her milk. When she’s on the leash, sometimes I need to hold it softly in case she jumps, she will not hurt herself. It happened to day that she jumped over a drainage ditch. She then proceeded to walk in it dragging the leash through the mud.

Finally Friends

Next, Grace spotted Triscuit and Teddy. She ran to them to greet them. I finally had a chance to get the leash after I caught up with her. Grace reluctantly returned home at 8:30 and had breakfast (one cup). At 9:00, Fraggle called to play. Grace played with Fraggle until 10:00. A number of people passed by, but Grace did not chase them. Perhaps we’re getting somewhere.

When we returned, I gave Grace a quick shower. The last two times we have done the shower, she has gotten in herself. I’m not ready to claim this yet as a learned behavior, but were getting close. After her shower, Grace curled up on the sofa for a morning nap. At 11:30, she moved to the carpet next to the balcony doors.

At 12:30, the phone rang. Grace arose and looked at me expectantly. Alas, it was not for her. I fed her lunch (one half cup). After lunch, she went back to the balcony area carpet sunshine. At 2:30, the phone rang again but no luck. I was waiting for the temperature to rise and the wet grounds to clear. I told Grace I’d take her for a ride. She happily followed.

More Milestones

Grace enjoyed chasing both normal birds and geese. She also took a few wades in the pond. During one of my circuits of the grounds, Grace started to venture outside the bushes that provided a natural screen between the park and a small shopping plaza. I called her back. She came running. I’ll log that as a milestone of coming form a significant distance with a moderate distraction attracting her. Now when we return, I do not need to call her. She follows me and responds to my opening the car door by jumping in. I’ll log this as a milestone.

When we returned at 3:20, I was shocked to see Grace head straight into the bathroom without my calling her. She also jumped into the tub to begin the shower and jumped back out when we finished. I’ll log these as three milestones. It’s a joy to watch as Grace becomes more eager to please and do what she needs to do without being told. While I was at it, I weighed her. She weighed in at 45 pounds.

At 4:00, Fraggle called. They played for an hour. When we returned, Grace had supper (three-quarter cup). Betsy came home and gave her a dental chew. When she finished that, we gave her another. Betsy bought her some doggie shoes and tried them on her. Grace was amazingly tolerant of them. At 6:40, we left for class.

Dog Class

At the class, Elliot gave us the command stand to work on. Grace almost learned it. She did well. A new dog joined the class. It was a boxer. Grace tried to socialize with her, but the boxer was a bit aggressive with her front paws. Betsy decided to keep her away. We returned home. Grace roamed for ten minutes to do her business before going upstairs. About a half hour later, she went to the door. This is highly unusual. I took her down for fifteen minutes. She seemed to have something causing extra bowel movement. After we came inside, Grace jumped into bed and went to sleep.


Morning Play

At 6:45 we gave Grace her morning tummy rub. We went outside at 7:30 and began to explore. Grace scavenged discarded pieces of a hard roll and some green thing the size of a birthday candle and ate them. We went down to the north woods. As we emerged, Grace ran past a non-social dog to play with Jack. Shortly thereafter, Olive emerged. Grace and Olive played for 20 minutes. While they played, Grace took off to the back of the northeast woods by the tracks. The dog over there was Scooter. He’s the camel-colored dog.

Morning Downtime

We returned at 8:30. Grace had breakfast (one cup) and proceeded to nap on the ottoman. I retreated to another room to study. Betsy said that Grace missed me and gave her a bully stick at 10:30. I came out to try to do my work where she could see me.

Medical Alert

At 11:15, Betsy noticed swelling in Grace’s upper eyelid. It was not so bad as to restrict her vision, but it was definitely noticeable. I thought I also detected some slight swelling in the left upper eyelid also. My guess is that she ate something that triggered an allergic reaction. It could have been the green thing or a new kind of treat that Betsy gave her.

We called the vet and Betsy took Grace in. The assistant told Betsy to just give Grace a Benadryl. By the time I saw Grace, the swelling was gone. Now I believe the likely source could have been Triclosan which causes that same reaction in me. The exposure likely came from Grace chewing a discarded wipe or paper towel containing that evil stuff. I’ve had severe allergic reactions from it that included severe eyelid swelling. The moral of the story is to assure your dog never eats or chews anything that might have that poison on it.

Grace went with me running at 2:45, and we returned at 3:30. She napped as I took care of a spill in my car. Finally, we walked down to the office to pick up some mail. Grace came in, stretched out on her sofa, and passed out. At 6:45, Betsy got up and turned on the lights. Grace moved to the darker foyer floor and continued napping there.  At 7:45, Betsy fed her (three-quarter cup). At 8:15, I took Grace outside. She jumped into bed with us at 9:00.