Teaching from Pastor Charlie Long

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Husbands Love Your Wives (Audio Series)

Differences Between Male and Female Part 1 (Audio)

Differences Between Male and Female Part 2 (Audio)

Likenesses That Contribute to Oneness (Audio)

What Is Manhood? (Audio)

Marriage (Audio)

Convictions (Audio)

Seven Basic Needs of a Wife Part 1 (Audio)

Seven Basic Needs of a Wife Part 2 (Audio)

Cherish Her (Audio)

Protect Her (Audio)

Understand Her (Audio)

Quality Time for Her (Audio)

Cults (Audio Series)

Transcendental Meditation (Audio)

Hare Krishna (Audio)

Unification Church (Moon) (Audio)

Witchcraft and Satanism (Audio)

Astrology and Horoscopes (Audio)

Spiritualism (Audio)

Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, and Theosophy (Audio)

Islam (Audio)

Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witness (Audio)

Who God Is — The Basis for Our Faith in Him (Audio)

More about Charlie and E.G. Long

To Vietnam with Love

Obituary for Reverend Charles Long

Obituary for E. G. Long