Nvidia Lifts all Boats

Monday, stocks fell 1.5% in Asia but rose 0.8% in Europe, and 1.1% in the U.S. on 11B shares traded. Precious metals gained about 1%.

Tuesday, stocks rose 0.3% in Asia but fell 0.6% in Europe and declined slightly in the U.S. on 11B shares traded. Precious metals and their miners gained about 1%. The NASDAQ ended above 17,000.

Wednesday, stocks fell 0.5% in Asia, closed little changed in Europe but rose 0.7% in the U.S. on 12B shares traded. Precious metals gained 1% while their miner rose twice that amount.  The NYSE ended above 19,000. The monthly CPI numbers came in a bit higher than expected.

Thursday, stocks gained 2.0% in Asia, 0.8% in Europe, and 0.6% in the U.S. on 11B shares traded. The Dow and S&P 500 indices closed above 41,000 and 5600 respectively. IBM ended above its 210 benchmark.

Friday, stocks advanced 0.3% in Asia and 0.7% in Europe and the U.S. on 10B shares traded. Precious metals rose 1% while their miners gained about twice that amount. Finally, the Federal Reserve balance sheet rose 2B to 7.12T.