Monday, stocks in Asia followed the U.S. lead from the previous Friday and dropped 1.6%. In Europe, stocks closed 1% higher and stocks in the U.S. gained 0.3% on low moderate volume. The VXO though fell 12% to close at 20.37 while precious metals miners lost 2%. Oil gained 4% to close at 46.61 and the 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield moved 4% lower to end the day at 2.21%.
Tuesday, stocks closed nearly unchanged in Asia but fell 3.3% in Europe and 1.5% in the U.S. on moderate volume. This again pulled the NYSE Index below 10,000. Precious metals declined 1.5% while their miners lost about three times that amount. The 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield moved 4% lower to end the day at 2.13% while the VXO shot up 11% to close at 22.66. The VW diesel emissions issue was the stock mover of the day.
Wednesday, stocks fell 1.4% in Asia, closed nearly unchanged in Europe, and dropped 0.5% in the U.S. on low volume as the CEO at VW stepped down. Crude oil slid 4% to close at 44.72 and the 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield continued its slide moving 2% lower to end the day at 2.10%. Thursday, stocks continued their decline worldwide — dropping 1.2%, 2.1%, and 0.3%, in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. respectively on moderate volume. Precious metals ramped up nearly 3% and their miners more than doubled that gain. The VXO gained 9% to close at 23.53. Friday, stocks closed up 0.4% in Asia, shot up 2.8% in Europe, but gained just slightly in the U.S. on moderate volume as “investors” considered what to make of Janet Yellen’s speech the night before. Crude oil gained 2%.