Monday, stocks fell slightly in Asia, rose 0.3% in Europe, and fell slightly in the U.S. on low volume. IBM reported another revenue drop in their quarterly report released after the stock market closed. Precious metals crashed 3% and their miners lost about three times that amount.
Tuesday, stocks rose in Asia 0.4% but fell in Europe 1.1% and 0.5% in the U.S. on low moderate volume. Gold closed below $1100 per ounce while precious metals miners recovered about 3%. As IBM lost 6%, it dragged the Dow Jones Industrial Average below the 18,000 level again.
Wednesday, stocks in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. fell 0.7%, 0.6%, and slightly respectively on low moderate volume. The big news for the day was Apple’s disappointing earnings report. That sunk AAPL stock 4%. In the continuing commodities slide, crude oil fell 2% to close below $50 per barrel and gold fell 1%.
Thursday, stocks closed little changed in Asia but fell 0.5% in Europe and the U.S. on low moderate volume. The VXO rose 9% to close at 12.69 while the 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield fell 2% to close at 2.28. Precious metals slid 1.5%, and their miners dropped about twice that amount. Friday, stocks fell about 1% around the world. Asia was down 1.2%, Europe down 0.9%, and the U.S. down 1.1% on low moderate volume. This was enough to drag the S&P 500 average below the 2100 benchmark level again. Precious metals rose 1% and their miners jumped 4% while the VXO gained 13% to close at 14.32.