Monday, stocks in Asia fell slightly. In Europe and the U.S., they changed little on low volume. The 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield rose nearly 5% to close at 2.19. Tuesday, stocks fell 1% in Asia and 0.9% in Europe. In the U.S., stocks rose slightly on low volume. The 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield rose over 3% to close at 2.27%.
Wednesday, stocks moved little in Asia and Europe. In the U.S. they rose slightly on low volume. The 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield rose over 4% to close at 2.37% and crude oil dropped below $60 per barrel. Thursday, stocks stalled again in Asia. As Greece said it wouldn’t meet its pending loan payment, stocks in Europe fell 0.9% and in the U.S. 1% on low volume. Both the S&P 500 Index and the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped below their respective recent benchmarks while crude oil slid to below $58 per barrel.
Friday, stocks fell 0.9% in Asia and Europe as Greece defaulted on it’s loan (again). They said they would make that missed payment and others coming due this month at the end of June. Based on Greece’s track record, I’m sure you can take that promise to the bank. In the U.S., stocks fell slightly on low moderate volume. The 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield rose over 4% to close at 2.40% on a “good” jobs report and the VXO spiked 7% to close at 16.55.