Monday, stocks rose in Asia 0.7% and in Europe 0.4% while in the U.S. they closed nearly unchanged on low volume. The 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield rose 4% to close at 2.23%. Tuesday, in Asia stocks fell slightly, in Europe they jumped 1.7% higher, and just moved down slightly in the U.S. on low volume. Precious metals rose almost 2% and their miners rose about 4%.
Wednesday, stocks fell 0.4% in Asia, rose 0.5% in Europe, and closed nearly unchanged in the U.S.on low volume. Thursday, in Asia stocks closed nearly unchanged, in Europe they rose 0.4%, and in the U.S., they rose 0.3% on low volume. This rise was sufficient to keep the record closing euphoria running strong with the S&P 500 Index winning the honors. The VXO fell over 7% to close at 12.15 and crude oil again moved above its $60 per barrel benchmark.
Friday, stocks fell 0.5% in Asia, closed nearly unchanged in Europe, and fell 0.4% in the U.S. on low volume. Crude oil dipped to close one cent below the $60 per barrel mark. For the week, stocks churned in a narrow range.