Monday, stocks rose 0.4% in Asia, moved little in Europe, and fell .5% in the U.S. on low volume. The VXO climbed nearly 9% to close at 13.68. The big move of the day was in the 10-Year U.S Treasury Bond yield — rising nearly 6% to close at 2.24%.
Tuesday, stocks in Asia fell 0.3%, in Europe 1.5%, and int the U.S. slightly on low volume. This dragged the S&P 500 again below its recent benchmark. The VXO dropped nearly 7% to close at 14.57.
Wednesday, stocks fell in Asia and in Europe 0.3% while in the U.S., they moved little on low volume. Gold rose above $1200 per ounce.
Thursday, stocks fell slightly in Asia, but rose 0.7% in Europe and 0.8% in the U.S. on low volume. This brought all three major stock indices above there recent benchmark again. Fear diminished as the VXO dropped 8% to close at 13.23.
Friday, stocks rose 0.7% in Asia, fell 0.5% in Europe, and rose sightly in the U.S. on low volume for an options expiration date. The Ten-Year U.S. Treasury Bond yield fell over 4% to close the week at 2.14%. While all three major stock indices managed to close the week firmly above their respective recent benchmarks, oil dipped just below $60 per barrel. To top it off, the S&P 500 Index ended the week with another record closing high.