Monday, stocks rose in Asia 0.5% and in Europe 1%. In the U.S., they fell slightly on light moderate volume. The VXO moved up 5% to close at 13.09, while precious metals and their miners were up over 2%. Positive news for AAPL after the close of trading was the big story of the day.
Tuesday, in Asia stocks closed 0.7% higher, in Europe the dropped 1.5%, and in the U.S. they rose 0.3% on light moderate volume. Gold recaptured the 1200 level — climbing to close at $1212 per ounce propelling precious metals miners over 3% higher. The 10-Year U.S. Treasury bond yield rose over 2% to close at 1.97. News of the day included riots in Baltimore and disastrous results from Twitter — not a good day for birds I suppose. The VXO fell nearly 6% to close at 12.33 as all attention shifted to Wednesday at 2 p.m. to hear from the politburo. Turkey-stock IBM rose nearly 2% to close at $173.92 as the company is likely back to major tail eating again.
Wednesday, stocks fell around the world — 0.5% in Asia, 2.2% in Europe, and 0.4% in the U.S. on light moderate volume. This is a bit unusual. Normally when the FOMC speaks
the markets respond in the positive direction. And with the bad-news-is-good syndrome firmly in place, the rotten GDP news should have lit a fire under the unicorn riders.
Instead, the VXO jumped up over 9% to close at 13.46 and the 10-Year U.S. Treasury bond yield rose over 3% to close at 2.04.
Thursday, stocks fell 1.6% in Asia, 0.4% in Europe, and 0.9% in the U.S. on moderate volume. All three major indices, relinquished their hold on their latest benchmark levels. Given the obscene influence Apple has on the stock market indices, it’s not surprising that AAPL dropped nearly 3% for the day. Gold also tumbled below its $1200 per ounce mark. The VXO shot up nearly 13% to close at 15.15 as oil flirted with the $60 per barrel range.
Friday, stock markets were closed in Asia and Europe. In the U.S. though, investors bid up stocks 0.8% on low volume. This put all three major stock indices back above their recent benchmark levels again. As the VXO fear gauge collapsed 15% to close at 12.96 as AAPL retraced the losses of the previous day and rose 3%. Uncharacteristically, the 10-Year U.S. Treasury bond yield rose over 3% to close at 2.12%.