Monday, stocks fell in Asia 0.4% but in Europe and in the U.S. rose 0.6% on low moderate volume. This was enough to move the S&P 500 to another record closing high. Tuesday, stocks rose in Asia 0.5%. In Europe, they were unchanged, and in the U.S. they were down slightly on low volume. The BitCoin exchange Mt. Gox went dead, but BitCoins were still be being used and traded on other exchanges.
Wednesday, stocks in Asia and Europe fell slightly. In the U.S. they closed unchanged on low volume. Thursday, Asian stocks closed unchanged. In Europe, they dropped just slightly. In the U.S. stocks closed 0.5% higher on low volume finally breaking through the 1850 level on the S&P 500 Index to log another all-time high. .
Friday, again stocks in Asia moved little. In Europe, they gained slightly and in the U.S. the rose 0.3% on moderate volume for no particular reason. For the week, stocks gained over 1% to finally break through the stubborn ceiling that had developed.