Projection: Romney Defeats Obama

[Author’s Note: Thanks for your interest in this article. This article has also been published on Yahoo!. Feel free to check it out there if you would like.]

Election night drama builds as reports stream in from across the county. Using exit poll data and proprietary computer algorithms, major networks vie to be first to correctly predict the outcome. Maps of red and blue flash electoral vote tallies real-time. Political commentators evaluate projections and trends building suspense. With zero percent of the vote tally and no exit poll data, we learn the outcome of the 2012 presidential race not on election night, but months before.

Conventional wisdom tells us, barring some disaster or huge misstep, incumbent U.S. presidents win a second term. After all, they have name recognition, the resources and prestige of the President, political connections, and of course a track record of victory. In fact, only two modern-day incumbent elected presidents who sought a second term failed to win.

Bilderberg Conference
On May 31, 2012, the annual Bilderberg conference took place at the Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly, Virginia. According to Wikipedia, the Marriott Hotel, founded and nurtured by J. W. Marriott, Sr., is now led by his son, J.W. “Bill” Marriott, Jr. who took over as Chairman of Marriott International in 1985. The strong religious conviction of the leaders of this hotel chain is evidenced by each room having as standard fare a nightstand copy of the Book of Mormon.

If you were holding a meeting of the most powerful and influential people on the planet five months before the election of the chief executive and commander-in-chief of the most powerful nation on earth, would you not expect one of the prime topics of the closed meeting might be who would serve as the best President of the United States for the next four years? Altruism aside, best would likely be influenced by the convictions, biases, and  motives of the group assembled.

Keep in mind that there’s a strong presence among the Bilderberg elite of Northern Europeans and people of the Jewish faith. By contrast, Arabs are nowhere to be found there. The leadership roles of this group are replete with heads of large multi-national corporations and banks.

Just two days before the meeting, Governor Mitt Romney won the Texas primary and thereby exceeded the threshold needed to secure the Republican nomination for president. Wait a minute. Isn’t Romney a Mormon?

This author believes the decision that Romney will defeat Obama was finalized at the May Bilderberg meeting. As in past primaries and general elections, these power brokers will utilize their substantial resources to assure the outcome they desire.  These resources include campaign funding, political connections, sway over financial markets, and the press.

But why dump Obama? After all, he presided over too-big-to-fail bank and corporate bailouts; he, despite his rhetoric, maintained and increased the grip of an offensive military; he made the U.S. more dependent than ever on unpayable debt; and he grew the power of government over the people. These are all worthy accomplishments from a globalist’s perspective.

Israel the Key
Unfortunately for Obama, his  unwavering anti-business, socialist dogma and disdain for Israel has sealed his doom and numbered his days as president. Regardless of the extent you believe President Barack Hussein Obama harbors bias toward Muslim nations, the Islam religion, the “holy Koran,” and the Palestinian cause, his actions have raised doubts with regard to his commitment to his support of Israel. By contrast, Mitt Romney’s Mormon conviction places him solidly in the pro-Israel camp:

Polling has shown that Jews generally view Mormons more positively than any other religious group.

Is it just a fluke that the Bilderberg Conference was held at a Marriott hotel? Is it a fluke that the winner of the Republican Presidential nomination is a Mormon? Is it a fluke that liberals like Mort Zuckerman criticize Obama while Bill Clinton praises Romney? Is it a fluke that the Romney campaign runs awash in a river of cash?

Barring Some Disaster
While the memory of the event continues to dim, less than four years ago markets faced turmoil from every side. Defining moments included the collapse of Lehman Brothers early September and an over 7% single-day U.S. stock market collapse September 29, 2008. Coincidently, September 2008 marked the turning point in Barack Obama’s campaign for the White House as the economic collapse whisked him into office just six weeks later. Americans wanted a change.

Can it happen again? Of course, and if necessary, a disaster will happen. The power brokers certainly have the means to crash financial markets. However, Romney does not need a crisis to give him the edge. In addition, a crisis would likely bring too much heat to the banksters as radical racial agitators would likely call “foul” if Obama incurs a landslide defeat. (Of course, we witnessed no such reaction when the crash secured for Obama the 2008 election.) Look instead for enough of a stock market downturn in the weeks preceding the election to assure a Romney a solid victory without risking social upheaval from either a hanging-chad or landslide outcome.